another form of Kylie and can be English and mean "boomerang" or Gaelic and means "graceful"
from Latin meaning "favor" or "blessing"
Hebrew in origin meaning "down-flowing" or "descending"
another form of Kylie and can be English and mean "boomerang" or Gaelic and means "graceful"
from Latin meaning "favor" or "blessing"
Hebrew in origin meaning "down-flowing" or "descending"
Our double portion of descending blessing!!
... my turkey ... why turkey?
I have no idea - just what I call her
A term of endearment for my oldest child
She is six - beautiful - and probably in love with Doctor Who (ok she tells me that she is a big fan - and that he just too big for her)
I have no idea - just what I call her
A term of endearment for my oldest child
She is six - beautiful - and probably in love with Doctor Who (ok she tells me that she is a big fan - and that he just too big for her)
I asked Kyley what she wanted "the world" to know and here is what she came up with :
She likes to go outside with her dad and look at the stars
She likes to smell the flowers at the park
She likes to watch Disney and Nickelodeon
She likes to go swimming with friends
She likes to to draw and make cards for the people she loves
She likes to play with her brother
And her favorite food is Sushi