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I will be downloading these - and likely NOT reviewing them... so go get 'em!
For Fans Of Jump Little Children, Hem, Carbon Leaf
VERY Folk ... VERY Acoustic (and seems there are multiple stringed instruments involved)... Very Awesome... Soothing - smooth... calming... peaceful music ... good for the soul, as clichéd as that is!
This is a live recording.. (has clapping and little things that give this away) and is recorded very well!
This is a seriously packed album ... TONs of music - all pretty awesome!!
Stand Outs:
"Brother Judas" - This song is weird... if anything... a slap in the face of betrayal,maybe - I am certain that Jesus had love for Judas just as much as He did every other disciple ... yet the reaction - or rather the return of love from Judas was what was wrong - sometimes we may not see things the way others do - Judas may have somehow thought what he was doing was right... somehow, but not until after did he fully grasp his mistake... no matter the case, God loved him - we need to try to 'live' and understand consequence BEFORE we make a mistake that will GIVE consequence.
"Chicken Little" - On one hand it is nice that Chicken Little is wrong about the sky Falling... but on the other.. He is apparently dead.. and going to heaven... also a two parter... because.. going to heaven is a good thing, but ... maybe.. just maybe the sky fell and caused the death of Chicken Little... lol - an interesting song.. perception is everything
"Weary Travelers" - I really liked the music here, very vibrant and alive
Take a listen - get a download - leave a tip for the artist!!
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