I personally do not really watch "TV" very much, but I watch about one show a day... online (notice how that in not "TV" :) ).
Something that I have noticed as I have peeled back the time capsule and begun to watch some of the older shows that I enjoyed watching with my parents is the Intros to the shows.
Shows like Quantum Leap, Highlander, Star Trek: The Next Generation (I know they are not that old, but neither am I... right?) Have intros that are upwards of 1:30 or 2 minutes long at times... see here:
Star Trek: TNG
Quantum Leap
Shows I am watching now... Castle, Psych, and Lost (not watching now ,but it is the best example...) have intros that go from just a few seconds to about 30 seconds... see here:
So that is awesome right, because they are creating more time for the actual show to run? ummm... no not really. The shows I posted above are longer than the shows I have posted below them... I know this because I watch/watched these shows at work.... during my lunch hour. The key word here is HOUR. So I KNOW if I can watch one of these in the alloted time AND make myself some lunch as well w/o bleeding into my actual work hours, and it is FAR easier to do it with the new shows than it is the old ones!!
Why is it that this phenomenon is occurring?
I thought television was about entertainment?
Honestly... what ever made you think that? How many 'good' shows that you enjoyed have been canceled.. because they were not... what? making money of course. (or costing too much money...)
Commercials are LONGER and our shows are SHORTER... just like the Oreos package (Double Stuffed please) that I would have enjoyed a few years ago was about two sleeves longer (not sure about that exactly, but the bag is much smaller) than what I can buy now...
The Material as well as just the idea of money has motived, or rather dragged us all by our noses since birth in some way or another... one of my greatest failures is that when I feel bad... I want to go shopping (I know I am a guy - believe me... I do not understand it)
Often I will go shopping and NOT BUY ANYTHING - and feel better because of it. And at other times I will buy things I do not need and feel completely unsatisfied. Money, for me, has never been a BIG deal, until all of the sudden it is the biggest deal.
When I do watch TV .. on the TV I mute the commercials - they irritate me.. they ANGER me. I am not sure why, but I cannot stand them ... I JUST WANT TO WATCH THE LITTLE GIRLS IN THEIR BEAUTY PAGEANT!! (no clue how I get hooked into watching these things.. When asher gets a bit older and us guys actually outnumber the girls... *head bows, eyes drop* ...we will watch what the girls want to watch...)
Money or 'things' are an odd motivational force...
24No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stand by and be devoted to the one and despise and be against the other. You cannot serve God and mammon (deceitful riches, money, possessions, or whatever is trusted in).Matthew 6:24
Amplified Bible (AMP)
I hate feeling as if I NEED something because of a deal - or because it looks like it 'might' be helpful or interesting to have. I want to buy ONLY when I have a true purpose for buying. How I started with the Intros to television shows and got to this ... I will tell you... I am odd, weird... a nut ... but I learn things by doing this - I hope you do too!
And just for crazy's sake ... here are the shows that I keep up with on Hulu (in case you would like to strike up conversation about them)
Burn Notice
Eureka (which I hear is canceled :( literally due to cost)
The Office
Warehouse 13
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