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For Fans of : Gungor, Phil Wickham, Jon Foreman, United Pursuit Band, Shawn McDonald
Very artistic music - shallow to deep theology well portrayed and He leaves no doubt that Christ is his savior!!
The recordings are a tiny tiny tiny bit rough
Some of these songs have the oddest names for songs I think I have ever heard, but they work.. and they are great
Strongly acoustic, with great vocals - greatly blending of the two
Stand Outs:
"Acts 29" - I love a song that is dedicated to scripture - this one is very artistically done and sounds great. It pulls a few stories together and really sets a great tone... amazing
"An Awkward Song" & "God Love The People You Hate So Get With The Program" - These songs are AWESOME. Not exactly 'encouraging' .. more smack in the face to turn and do what is right... but in that it is likely effective to get the fire of love under our behinds!!
The last few (that are not really numbered as tracks are a bit odd - have verse and are almost like rap.. interesting an short
take a listen ... get a download.. and TIP!!!
@GradyMilligan on twitter
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