Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Lessons Learned While Changing The Oil With My Daughter (Blurb)

 Recently I decided to change the oil in my truck. I do this ever so often... When I feel the whim... Hopefully in the future it will be more in tune with the recommended times. What I found to be very surprising about this time was that my daughter was very interested in helping me get the job done. These are some things that happened during the adventure.

1. Mis-heard Questions

Right as we started, after I had already gotten all of my tools together, I needed to move the truck a bit to get to the underside easier.Kyley called out to me and I thought she wanted to be in the truck, so I yelled over the noise of the engine telling her "no", knowing I would not be in it long. In a fit she hurried back into the house, so when I got everything moved I went to go get her. I found her crying because the question she actually asked was "Can I help? "

I was certain the answer should have already been a clear yes to her, but my yelled, "No", broke her heart because of my ignorance.

Sometimes just one word can totally destroy someone's confidence and drive.

2. Mis-understood Safety

I decided to explain to her, as I was slipping under the truck, if it rolled back on me it could crush me. My intention was to have her understand the importance of not bumping or messing with the truck. Instead I ended up with a girl freaking out about her daddy was going to die.

The possibility of danger can be alright, if understood properly - though when not it can lock someone up in fear.

3. Mis-explained Concepts

I taught Kyley a lot about changing the oil in a car.  I showed her the oil filter and how to create a good seal by putting some oil on the ... seal.  She took all of this in.  While under the truck she was my 'tool getter'.  I asked her to hand me the oil filter and to be certain it was level.  She ran to my toolbox, grabbed my level and placed it on top of the oil filter.  She was very, very careful to be sure the oil filter was level the entire trip into my hands.  I found it very humorous and thanked her for the oil can when it finally ended up in my hand.

When enough is understood a job gets done well.


I am going to try and be more certain of the questions I am answering before blurting out my answers.  

I am going to try and do a better job of conveying danger when appropriate. 

Finally, I look forward to seeing all of my kids grow up and learn to do their best in everything they do! 


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