Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Sticking With Bad Leadership (Blurb)

I have been very blessed when it comes to leaders and bosses.  Just about every single person that has been 'in charge' of me has had a pretty awesome attitude about it.  

One, for instance, was my Aquatics director when I was a lifeguard.  The reason she pops into my head so readily is I can vividly remember making a call in the morning to inform her I was sick and she would answer sounding what had to be 1000 times worse than me... I would hang up the phone.. get dressed and head in to work.. She was wholly dedicated and taught me much more than just how to save lives, she really set a fairly solid work ethic into me.

Another would be a man who seemingly knew everything.  I would watch in amazement as he would show us so many wonderful things.  Most of it all was about camping and woodsy stuff, but to a boy in the scouts... that was everything!

There are many others influential in creating what I see as a great leader, but that is not what my point is in this blurb.  There are plenty of bad leaders  I have had as well.  These leaders actually have taught me just as much as those that were wonderful.

The point?  

Sometimes you have to STAY under bad leadership!  Many think because of our freedoms... we should never have to suffer under someone that is bad at leading, but the truth is.. it happens everyday for SO VERY MANY PEOPLE!!! 

A great example is Daniel.  In the book of Daniel, He and his friends... well the entire Israel nation is under Babylonian rule.  This story in itself should be enough to realize where I am going.  First off.. you may throw out a defense and provide the fact of it being Israel's fault they were in the situation because God already let them know it would happen if they did not do things His way, but what you may not realize is how much God actually used what happened to create something FOR HIS PEOPLE.  The bad part of this nation ruling over them would be the implementing of things going against their law in worship to God.  The stories in Daniel speak for themselves - I aim to hit beyond and bring it to a 'now' moment.

Philippians 1:15-19

Amplified Bible (AMP)
Some, it is true, [actually] preach Christ (the Messiah) [for no better reason than] out of envy and rivalry (party spirit), but others are doing so out of a loyal spirit and goodwill.
The latter [proclaim Christ] out of love, because they recognize and know that I am [providentially] put here for the defense of the good news (the Gospel).
But the former preach Christ out of a party spirit, insincerely [out of no pure motive, but thinking to annoy me], supposing they are making my bondage more bitter and my chains more galling.
But what does it matter, so long as either way, whether in pretense [for personal ends] or in all honesty [for the furtherance of the Truth], Christ is being proclaimed? And in that I [now] rejoice, yes, and I shall rejoice [hereafter] also.
For I am well assured and indeed know that through your prayers and a bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ (the Messiah) this will turn out for my preservation (for the spiritual health and welfare of my own soul) and avail toward the saving work of the Gospel.

No matter your occupation, you are a servant to God (those of you who are followers of Christ) and in that we are like a looking glass for those around us to see what Christ is like.  To stand and say we are 'little Christs' and then bicker and complain about our leaders, only results in those around us seeing an unhappy and likely 'unholy' person.  Christ had no problem with placing himself lowest to those around Him, often commenting; in order to lead we need to serve first. 

Colossians 3:22-23

Amplified Bible (AMP)
Servants, obey in everything those who are your earthly masters, not only when their eyes are on you as pleasers of men, but in simplicity of purpose [with all your heart] because of your reverence for the Lord and as a sincere expression of your devotion to Him.
Whatever may be your task, work at it heartily (from the soul), as [something done] for the Lord and not for men,
Have you ever had a moment where you realized your leader was bad, but learned from them more than you realized? 


  1. Wonderful! I agree. I also think we should apply this to our President. No matter which side of what the guy is on, God tells us to pray for him and to treat him how we would like to be treated.

    1. Many times not an easy or 'wanted' way of reacting, but we are called to do as you have stated!

