Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Sacred Love Note (Guest Post, Blurb)

Mel and I did a blog swap this past week - so .. she posted one I wrote. and today I am posting one she wrote!  Enjoy!

A few months ago, I woke up early and planted this little heart shaped sticky note in my husband's wallet.  I had no idea when he'd find it, as he didn't pull his wallet out often, but I enjoy giving little surprises like that.  In fact I enjoy it so much that by the end of the next day when he hadn't said anything about it yet, I asked him about it and he finally 'found' it.

But this isn't about my love for showing my husband how much I love him (though it really is).   It's about how we portray our gratitude for the love of another.

Last weekend, we sat at lunch with my father-in-law, the kids were playing while we waited on lunch, and Derek pulls out a magic trick.  He stuck a pen through a five dollar bill, and Kyley decided she wanted to try. So Derek, looking for any paper he could find to let her 'practice' on so she wouldn't mess up the money, handed her the 'love note' that he had tucked away in his wallet.

Kyley was flabbergasted.  She was so worried about putting a hole in his 'love note' that she didn't want to use it, and protested.

Normally, this whining over not wanting to do something would bother me, but this time I watched her and observed something I hadn't thought about before.   At 7 years old, she has learned the art of love being sacred.   She couldn't bring herself to defile the very note that expressed my love for my husband, which to us was just a tangible way to describe it, but at 7, I can imagine it WAS love.

How do we show others we love them, and what are they learning from us?   Are those around us seeing our love for our spouses?  Are they seeing our love for them?  And even better, are we treating that love as something sacred?

I can only imagine after seeing her reaction, how much it blesses Kyley to see her 'love notes' for me taped on my computer screen and my wall above my desk.  There are pictures everywhere that exclaim her love for me.  I <3 U MOM.  EVERYWHERE.  And to me, they are sweet, and I see her love for me, but they are just paper.  The practical person in me says, toss most and keep a few.  But her little 7 year old heart would be devastated!

Do we think about our actions and how they affect those around us that love us? 

Do we dismiss compliments from our husbands in favor of 'humility' or really just bad self esteem?   (yes, I'm BAD about this!)   But how does that make my husband feel?  This is his 'love note' to me, so why can't I see it as sacred?

What about those random acts of kindness?  Do we dismiss them as simple and not of importance?  Or do we treat them as sacred and let the people who care about us know how much we treasure that 'love note'?

I challenge you today, to pay attention to the way others love you.  And make it sacred.  


1 comment:

  1. man, this is good stuff... I really felt like I could relate with the writer... :)

