Thursday, August 16, 2012

Alastair Vance - Acoustic Sessions One (Free Music, Review) @AlastairVance @noisetrade #acoustic #folk #

^^Widget Above^^

For Fans of :   Keith Green, Don Francisco, John Denver

2 Songs

Overall Thoughts:

Beautiful acoustic.. goodness.. I enjoy acoustic.. the vocals are a bit rough.. but I believe that has to do more with the recording.. a worship feel.. but also almost hymn like.. or.. maybe more hymn than worship.. really good honestly.. I really enjoyed both songs.. "Strength" really showing a great understanding of not being able to do it as 'self' but looking to God, rightly, to gain the strength to do HIS will! (You totally get used to the vocals) 

"Be Thou My Vision" - very nice singing of this classic.. very good!!

I have added this to my favorites

Recording Thoughts:

Pretty Good ... Semi-Professional

take a listen ... get a download.. and TIP!!! 

@AlastairVance on twitter 


1 comment:

  1. Hi Derek, thanks for this! I've actually remixed "Strength" and "Be Thou My Vision" and replaced the versions that were on there. I've also added a new song of mine called "I Worship You O Lord".

    Thanks for the review. I'm still learning how the recording process all works! Check out the new versions and let me know what you think.

