Thursday, August 23, 2012

Review: Side Jobs - Stories From The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher

Side Jobs: Stories From the Dresden Files (The Dresden Files, #12.5)Side Jobs: Stories From the Dresden Files by Jim Butcher
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I really enjoyed all of these short stories.. seeing Dresden from before we 'met' him in the first book.. as well all these little adventures.. it was a great way to get back into this world again.

"The Warrior" - by far my favorite.. all about the battles.. that you do not see.. such an amazing message is placed in this on.. and honestly it so very good that I do not wish to let known anything from it. I just ask you to read it yourself.

I also enjoyed "Love Hurts" VERY much in the fact of a 'world' that is happy, but only because it is forced that way.. is it really happy?

and finally I enjoyed the last one that was written in the perspective of Murphy. It takes place about an our after "Changes" ends.. and really sets a great 'world' that could be.. with the events of "Changes" in it.. well.. what everyone else 'knows' about anyway..

All around a good and enjoyable read!

View all my reviews

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