Friday, September 21, 2012

Dede Swint - In A Relationship (Free Music, Review) @Noiserade #pop #rock

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For Fans of :   Sheryl Crowe, Bebo Norman, Sara Groves, Steven Curtis Chapman, Natalie Grant

6 Songs

Overall Thoughts:

Acoustic.. almost a latin feel to the music ...very good vocals.. certainly a worshipful spirit.. common worship themes.. I really enjoyed the energy of the songs.. a great dedication to Christ shines through the music 

Recording Thoughts:

Pretty Good ... Semi-Professional

Stand Outs:

"No Place Id Rather Be" - I enjoyed this one a bunch!

"My Everything" - very beautiful!!

"40 Cents" - more of a country rock feel.. kind of a 'daily grind' song.. pretty uplifting honestly.. while it may be hard to get through.. but .. we can make it. (the desire to see as God does is cool and I like the way it is brought to light... we must remember it in these times)

"Dream" - acoustic ... and I really, really liked the message of this one.. we all see 'salvation' in some way in going into it.. and realize day after day that it is not quite was was expected, but as we see the tapestry being woven.. we realize God is in control and really does know what is best.. 

take a listen ... get a download.. and TIP!!! 

@DeDeSwint on twitter


