Saturday, August 22, 2009

Do Not Fall Away

The darkness entraps me,
Rips my feet from the floor,
Sends my face in the corner,
All wet, cold, and slimy.

I know that it is my fault,
I am the one,
I pulled the chain.
Why did I turn off the Son?
I know I need the light.

Look at me as I hide,
Cuddled into a ball.
Oh, if you could see...
What, yes, of course,
without the light all is blind.
My toes, my hands,
Grow cold as ice.

My heart cries out,
For God's help.
Somehow someway,
he hears my cry,
he hears my plea,

His yell is heard.
He tells me this,
"Fool stand up."
"Why did you stop?"
"Live for me."
"I give you joy."

His words of wisdom,
Fills mine own ear.
His advice,
Sends out my fear.

I stand again,
Feel for the chain.
My hand brush by,
I grasp hard and pull.

Light fills the room,
Demons die,
And I see it clear,
My kings full reign.
He has freed me this time too.
How many more will he do?

I must not feign,
Must not fall back.
I have to do, and be,
what makes me happy,
Love the Lord,
and praise his name.
Thank you Jesus,
Live High and reign.

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