I had an interesting thing happen a few days ago that immediately reminded me about the nature of God.
I knew I had to blog - I just typed about 3/4 of this particular blog, only to have igoogle refresh and steal all of my carefully typed words... no matter - on to look in the eye...
My son, Elijah, 2yrs old and totally awesome decided that while his sister was working on her writing and reading that he would erase the words on her dry erase board. ... no little man.. not cool... not cool at all. He was sentenced to time out in DUN DUN DUN, the corner. He does not like the corner, but he normally stays in it for the duration of time out no problem. This time it was a problem - he tried to sneak out, but my firm voice kept him where he was... I like my kids to as fully as possible understand what they did wrong and apologize for it. I like to explain to them what was wrong about what they did, while looking them in the eyes.
There is something that is intimate about looking another person in the eyes. My son was going crazy upset in that corner, just a ballin'. I knew it was a teaching moment. I told him calmly while he still stood in the corner that if he came to me and looked me in the eye, listening he could get out of the corner. I opened my arms he ran forward into them and I picked him up into my lap. His eyes were starkly looking to the right and definitely NOT into my eyes. I explained again that if he did not look into my eyes he would go back in the corner. I got a tantrum... so he went back to the corner. About a minute later I tried again and got the same results, this happened about three times before the desired result. He cried and was upset and I opened my arms again... this time was different, I could tell that he was making a decision this time, he knew and understood that there were consequences to not do as I wished. He slowly walked into my arms, I did not pick him up - he looked into my eyes... and all I could do was grin. I grinned and he giggled. Then I giggled, and we giggled together. It was intimate, it was good, my son learned something new.
We then went through talking through what he did wrong in the first place and we went to give Sissy(Kyley) a hug. Man, that was awesome. As I looked into his eyes all I could think, besides of my love for him, was how much God loves us. Even in hard times, when we are just being whinny brats, God just wishes us to look Him in the eyes, intimately.

<3 if only you could see him right now <3 lol