Faith is not Faith unless it is the only thing you hold onto. If your always ready to throw to the curb 'the thing' that gives you 'joy'. You may want to rethink what that 'thing' should be. There is only one that I believe and can have full faith in. That is Christ Jesus, whose blood is continually cleansing me. Though my sins are dark as night, HIS blood covers me leaving a new and pure life to start with, Tabula Rasa so to speak. In baptism I have symbolically shown others of my belief in what Christ has done within me, and choose to live this new life HIS WAY, growing in HIS love and grace. All this I do in thanks for what HE has done for me... and HE did it for you as well - Eternity is teetering back and forth in your life! Will you accept HIM and have eternity with him.... or without him by denying what HE has done.
Let me know your thoughts on the art, enjoy!!


i like it <3 it's different but fun <3