Churched - By Matthew Paul Turner
My Review of Churched - By Derek John Jordan
4 1/2 stars out of 5
I truly enjoy noisetrade and the offers of free music from artists, and listeners that can choose from them 'freely' without the need of 'company' and 'industry' choosing for us who we can listen to.
Matthew Paul Turner took it to another level by offering his audio book for free on the site! The truth is that I would have completely ignored it without the knowledge that my wife gave me through other sources, some women's blog or another... not sure, just glad I was able to receive the information. Why would I have ignored it? Well, because the audio did not work when I tried out listening to it... I do not download albums if the audio will not play in the 'try out' time of listening.
Anyway, I downloaded it and skipping my adventures of trying to get it properly saved to my MP3 player without errors - I would like to review.
First and foremost, "Will this book get someone saved?" - my answer -- "Dude, I have no clue - I am not positive any book will 'get' someone saved. What it will do is spark questions, which I have seen move many to Christ."
If you decide to read this book and only take it at face value, you will easily have a cynical view of the church, but if you look slightly deeper you will see that the cynical ideal - is more of a spiritual protection to understanding TRUTH of what God, Christ, and being Christian is really about.
I grew up not really going to church much. We went ever so often and often only on the 'BIG' church days. So this book really let me have some much needed insight into the thoughts and feelings one might have dealt with growing up in church their entire lives, granted as a Baptist, but nonetheless growing up in church.
This was important to me, because my children are 'growing up in church' and I, with my wife, would like to make good choices for how they are raised in this way. Matthew seemed to have a hard time grasping some of what the truth that Christ has for us, because of the exact way he was brought up, as what he calls, 'a fundamentalist'. I can now see and imagine at least a TINY BIT of how one that grew up with this just may see the world.
I recommend this book to anyone interested in another outlook on the Christian perspective. It is told in a first-person perspective (of course with Matthew as the protagonist) and 'details' his 'churched' upbringing from childhood. It was a great book to listen to, reminiscent of 'Stuff Christians Like' by Jon Acuff, and many parts had me giggling aloud. If you are interested take a listen below, and do me a favor and download it. If your feeling generous drop a tip! (For Matthew... not me)
Thank you, Matthew, for the enjoyment that I received! May God bless you and show you the great work that is coming of your hard work!

Thank you for these words man. Much appreciated... it means a lot that you'd not only read/listen to Churched... but that you took the time to write about it. Thanks. Sorry about the crappy mp3s at first! :)