From Joshua 24
First and foremost we learned that Peden used to play the trumpet, but now does not because he has fat lips...
Onto the lesson
This passage is basically a summary of the past events that have occurred.
Genesis 50:25,26
A promise is made between Joseph and his famiy, that he would be buried in the promised land ... 400 years before what occurs in exodus.
Exodus 13:19
The promise is still being held after all this time as Moses leads the Israelites exit the slavery of Egypt.
Joshua 13:19
The bones of Joseph are buryed, in a land that was already purchased during the time of Joseph.
When a promise is made we mute member that it is possible to fulfill them - that we CAN fulfill them!
Romans 4:20
Promises can be fulfilled - just have faith!
To see the dedication of these people holding onto the long 'dead' bones of Joseph shows so much love and appreciation in what their past gives them.
Are there promises that you are having trouble with/waiting for?
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