My rating: 5 of 5 stars
"Superman... needed Clark Kent. Being Clark was the reason he was able to be Superman. It was how he stayed real..." -Jon Acuff (or more his wife actually) #Quitter
Jon starts his book off letting the reader know how much of a quitter he is... or was?
"I could always quit my job, I could NEVER quit my kids" -Jon Acuff #Quitter
Now, unlike Jon, I pretty much never think of quitting my job. I have been with the same company for 6 years. One may see this as impossible, but I have always been grateful to just HAVE my job, so why complain about it? Also, I pretty much have the best boss I have ever had (and hopefully not that I will EVER have...better is always..better)!
"The false promise of perfection will keep you from pursuing your dream" -Jon Acuff #Quitter
"fear is rarely logical" -Jon Acuff #Quitter
Grasping the idea of 'dream job' bliss is grounded in this book, a real understanding - that is sourly misunderstood by the general public (that definitely included myself!)!
"Your passion will always fuel your plan!" -Jon Acuff #Quitter
"Discovery or Recovery?" Have new understanding of what 'finding' your dream can be is clearly described, and I greatly agree with the statements made by Jon in Quitter.
"What have I done in my life, that I love doing?"
Look around... your dream surrounds you! It is easy to look at all the opportunity around you and just be blind to the real possibilities.
"Enjoy the gift of making many of your early mistakes, without a major audience" -Jon Acuff #Quitter
"Let the competition serve as a source of motivation, not a source of measurement." -Jon Acuff #Quitter (posted)
I read some posts on Youtube when I was grabbing the embed for the video trailer to share on my site, and I was confused to read all the negative thoughts about what Jon was trying to portray for his book. One of them kind of dealt with this 'having hindsight after you have your dream job already' or 'you got your dream job, now let me rub it in your face', but it does not have to be that way - attitude is important! If you want to get a dream job, attitude about others that have 'landed' their dream jobs need to be in the right place, and ironically Jon covers this in Quitter.
Have an attitude that is right if you choose to read this book, or Jon just might convince you to change!!
"Time shifts when your doing what you love" -Jon Acuff #Quitter
"Define what your 'enough' will look like." -Jon Acuff #Quitter
"Hinge moments" - Is a psychological thought that is simply ... simple. I am not sure if he came up with this on his own or not, but I feel very certain there is great merit in it.
living in the land of "what if" is a statement the I 'thought' about but never really talked about WHY I have "what if's" After this book I will never hear that statement quite the same again!
"death to the discussion obstacle" -Jon Acuff #Quitter
One other thing, I really have to pump the 'value' of the audio book. Not only do you get to listen instead of read, but Jon takes 'time outs' from the script to tell you about things he may be dealing with right then or what he was really thinking when he was writing that part. So I greatly recommend getting it!
"not doing anything is it's own decision, and the odds of failure are horrible" -Jon Acuff #Quitter
"By saying 'yes' to the wrong things, you might be actually going backwards" -Jon Acuff #Quitter
Anyone that has a job, does not have a job, or just has a dream should pick this up!
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