When I was a kid (in body and not just in mind) I had to flush the toilet in public restrooms. This is pretty much not the case in many places any longer. The toilet flushes itself. I remember the very first one that I used
...*dreamy memory sequence*...
I was young... maybe 8, 9, 12 ... not sure - I go to the bathroom at Walmart (yes... a Walmart) and I do my business. When finished ... I stand ... and the toilet tries to grab me and anything close to me sucking everything in reach down it's black hole like white porcelain whirlpool.
I am now terrified of toilets...
I go to sit on one and am locked, rigid, affraid to move too much thinking... *This toilet may decide to FLUSH and erase me from existence*, much as the crack in Amy Pond's bed room as a kid. (#Doctorwho)
...*dreamy memory sequence end*...
Honestly, I did think it was cool that they flushed on their own and wondered why they did not have them sooner. But over time the inconsistency of flush time really was a terrifying endeavor. I would sit down, lean forward a little and that sucker would flush... 'Huh..." "What was that about..." The way those things flush, it is not a nice feeling, especially when you have your backside open to it. It really was scary sometimes, and maybe watching Ghoulies II as a kid did not help either. Toilets were a scary place to me long before I understood anything about germs.
This video clip really did make me terrified of toilets.. so watch at your own risk!
They have since fixed the issue of tiny movements (at least from what I can tell) and I have not had one flush whilst upon it in a long while. Now they seem to have a sort of timer. Not a very long timer, basically you can get one wipe
... if your fast.
This only forces me to have to search all over the back of the toilet to find that tiny black button, and do the best I can at kicking it to get a second flush, because there is NO WAY I am touching it with my hand. Not sure on the saving of the water with this happening often.
Not only is this an issue with the toilet, but the sink wants to dictate when you can have water to wash your hands. You must have your hands in exactly in the right spot, if not ... your sitting there with soap dipping into the drain - and likely trying to come up with the best way to wipe your hands ... with the paper towel ... with the 'nifty' blow dryer attached to the wall ... your pants ... or just walk on out making sure to get the door knob of the bathroom good and wet.
After writing all of this, I realize I have odd issues that have to do with the bathroom.
BUT here's the deal...
We are all someone's toilet, and that is a good thing!
Let's take a look into our lives. Much like the auto-flusher we have great ways to get out of talking to someone.
"I have somewhere I need to be..."
"I am just too busy right now..."
"You are too weird..."
"My kid just ran into the street..."
(you may be forgiven for that last one)
Truth is, everyone has a bunch of crap they deal with and they just need someone that is not going to 'flush' under them, only doing what they feel is important. Frustration is of an explosive property when bottled and kept in large quantities!
The good thing is that, if we listen well - we can just flush all that refuse along (its not ours ... why hold onto it?)
The other side of this is the sink. God washes us, but we HAVE to be in the right spot for Him to properly do so!
In both situations it calls for an attitude of patience, which is often times poked fun of by warning others to not pray for it.
Hebrews 10:36 AMP
For you have need of steadfast patience and endurance, so that you may perform and fully
accomplish the will of God, and thus receive and carry away
[and enjoy to the full] what is promised.
Granted it is funny to talk about the futility of praying for patience, but looking in Hebrews we can see that without it we CANNOT 'fully accomplish the will of God' and that is a sad state for our world to be in.
Just remember these things :
1. When your the one on the toilet, it can last as long as it needs to - as long as all your business is done before you go.
2. When the toilet decides to flush too early, it is likely to get kicked.
3. God WANTS to help you get clean!
Let's be a toilet that listens, and take our time - thoroughly washing our hands!

Nice :) I find the problem with those auto flush toilets now days though is that they choose not to flush at all... Weird I know. Following your theme I guess you could say this would be the person that decides to carry everyone's burdens and is soon overwhelmed by them.
ReplyDeleteIt could also be a person who's spiritual sensor is broken. They don't see when the trash is getting in so they do nothing about it letting whatever got in to putrefy.
The good thing about that one though is that God sends someone along to let us know we need help. To press that auto flush button on the side if you will. Still it's our job to make sure we don't let the trash back in.
I sort of thought about that in writing this post, but did not feel led to actually write it into the blog. I now see why, as you pretty much took care of it!
ReplyDeleteGlad I could help :) BTW I do really enjoy these type blogs. Like this one and the T-ball one. Keep up the good work.