Thursday, July 21, 2011

Review: The Shadow Rising

The Shadow Rising
The Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I stated in my review of the book in the series before this how I was hoping that more would happen in the future to keep me interested. This book did it! There was some really good character and plot development in this book.

I really was getting tired of what was beginning to feel like the exact same story just retold in slightly differing ways. I really enjoyed how this one really differed from the others - I am so much more invested in the characters!

Heavy progression in the storyline, opening up some really great possibilities - certainly a good read, and a good reason to push through the others! I just hope that it continues to entertain!

!!!Spoilers Below!!!

The fact that we now have the forsaken released creates so much more possibilities in the story line. Before there only being the 'BIG' bad guy was certainly getting old. I enjoyed Rand gaining confidence being the dragon reborn, and accepting it with much less reservation. Also Perrin's journey to leading the people of the two rivers.

!!!End of Spoilers!!!

I am excited about the rest of the story!

View all my reviews

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