Friday, July 22, 2011

What Savannah taught on tonight ... If you missed out

Lesson taught by Savannah... Notes taken by derk

1 Samuel 1 Hannah and Samuel

Hannah was barren - yet her husband would give her a double portion because of his love for her.

To be a woman and be barren was a bad thing as a wife because it took away importance from them.

Hannah decided to go to God and ask for a son.

A priest that was there assumed that she was drunk and actually ended up blessing her request after learning the truth of her desire to have a child.

When you do not gain a desire you wish to have we try to earn it

We may become depressed. Hannah went to the Lord, and but she asks with respect.

Psalm 20:4 talks about our desires and God's desire for us to have those.

In the end we see the Lord faithful to Hannah, but also Hannah faithful to the Lord!

Hannah brings her son to Eli - to the temple of the Lord!

Hannah made a vow that she knew that she could complete (unlike others that choose vows that bite back)

She did not do this just for herself but also for her husband and even possibly Samuel herself!

... God is not surprised by anything. His guidance will bring us to the desires of our hearts.

How did Hannah pray?

She exults the Lord - she acknowledged the power of God - she thanks him.

Regardless of what you have worked for or accomplished God sees us all the same.

The gifts that God gives are SO MUCH SWEETER. Sometimes we settle for the first thing offered instead of the best thing offered!

Samuel was born at the perfect time that he was needed - such a powerful life through this true following of God!

Some questions to think on?

Is there anything in your life that your life that you may need to dedicate to God!

When you pray, what is your focus?

Have you ever put your faith in God to provide for you?

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