This is not a Noisetrade download - just go to the site above to download
This is one of the rappers with The Saint City Project (I have a review of that here)
This is some fairly standard Rap - pretty good... I think some of the recording might have been better..
Christ is center stage in all the mixes (which is not a surprise for someone with Saint City)
Stand Outs:
"I'm a Vessel Pt1 and Pt2" - The funny thing about being a vessel of God is that... we still make some really dumb mistakes... we ARE vessels.. so being careful not to make the mistakes can be very daunting... you can make it ... you can be a vessel and continue after making your worst decision ever.. but give it to God.. have pride, but be sure that it is attached with humbleness to God!
"Father Forgive 'Em" - has the word "hell" not used in the context of the actual place... it is highly likely that he did this for a shock value.. I am not sure, but I will probably delete it... randomly listening to my music .. that popping up with my kids listening (even though I make those mistakes too) I would rather put it to the side..
"Let Go and Let God" - pretty good message here ... no matter the issue.. the problem the mistake ^^ the problem your in... "Let God and Let God"
"Sin City Lifestyle" - Much of the idea of Saint City Project
Take a listen.. download and enjoy!!
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