I like Magic tricks.. I do magic tricks... Magic ... is just ... MAGICAL
anyway... moving on - I saw many magic shows when I was a kid - and ever since I saw the very first trick I was hooked.
My first thoughts were of magical words and literal magic that defied the thoughts of man - that one day I could do these things that Magicians 'seem' to do. I BELIEVED!!
Honestly it is really hard to remember exactly what I thought back then, but give me a moment here to try.

Sponge balls were the most wonderful thing in God's creation - a ball one moment - then two .. then a bunny. I always tried to figure out how the magician melded them together in his hands. The money maker trick baffled me - I could visually see that paper changing into money ... it was truly amazing. I think I am lucky that I never really saw the Cups and Balls except for on TV. TV was my reality escape anyway, so magic there was completely normal.

I wanted to know more about the magic I was seeing right in front of my face! One thing I do remember about ANY magician I ever saw as a kid, they ALWAYS said the same thing at the end of their show, "Would you like to be a magician, go to your local library and you can learn how to do this too!"
OH, MAN! The library must be such a magical place!! Full of wonder and UNICORNS!
Of course those clever prestidigitators only meant that I could learn these things from the books, but in truth I DID discover magic in the library. Granted 'These Days' you can buy and be reading a new book in seconds - the library still MUST be a magical place (with Unicorns as well). If not.. oh well.. it was magical to me.

I enjoyed and still enjoy every moment that I get in a book and am grateful for all the advice to try those out over the years (Magic was never the only reason ;) )
Several times I have seen magic shows that were set up for kids in a Christian setting, and have always been disappointed. Not in the magic - but in the focus of where 'the magic' pointed the kids to. Just as when I was a kid - they are pointed directly to the library - and ONLY the Library! There is not really ever anything pointing to Christ, sometimes to a encouraging message about being nice (maybe??) but nothing pointing to a higher purpose or the guide to salvation - encouragement to join with other Christians in the pursuit to 'Just Be Here' living for Christ!
Check out my channel on Youtube - Our Children's Ministry at Lakewood is enjoying 'magic' that encourages others to Christ! You can begin to encourage others in whatever you do as well - don't let the "MAGIC" lead you away, and always make sure CHRIST is on TOP!!!

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