Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Do trains make you sleepy? (Blurb)

On a typical day when 4:30 rolls around I pack up my stuff and head to my car.. and travel home without any extra things occurring during that time, but sometimes there is a HUGE something that happens.. and it irritates me to no end (usually).  It is a train - normally not trains .. and that is REALLY good!  More than one wound be even more terrible.

There are a few tracks a little ways away from my place of work.. If I know the trains are there, I can take an alternate route and miss them, but I am usually not that lucky with knowing that and end up stuck waiting on the trains.

The odd thing about these trains is that they go SO SLOWLY (My wife and I have determined that there must be some law to have to go slowly in certain areas.. that are very likely to create deaths from a fast train) The really good thing is that during this time I can usually read or talk to someone on my phone.. it makes the time not be so bad and I get something done.

Once I was reading while waiting on the train and noticed that the train ended (YIPPEE) ... but we were not really moving like we should.. as I neared the tracks I found the problem - A car was not moving and everyone was having to go around it.  At first this made me angry but then I realized that if I was the one in the car... would I enjoy what was going on around me.  As well I was a tiny bit worried that there may be something terribly wrong, so I stopped in front of the car and went to check on the guy.

Apparently these trains take SO long that some people fall asleep in their cars.  That was the only problem here.. all I had to do was tap on the window - the guy woke up and turned on his car.. and moved on.. no biggie.

How many people are you running past that just need a 'tap' of care.  One moment of your time to just make certain that they are "ok".  They may seem like fools sitting still, but maybe we are the ones called out to 'wake' them.  Choose someone today to call and ask how they are doing - or better yet .. show up at their home and 'invite' yourself for a bit (in love.. not weirdness)



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