Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Doctor Who and Not Giving up on Choice (Blurb)

This is quite a simple one today (or not).  

You know the show.. the one another country airs.. and I watch... much later than when that country watches it.. yeah.. that one.. the one with the Dr., yes.. 


"Doctor who?" you ask.. 

"exactly"... I respond

Now, I know for certain this is not the only show that has this particular quality, but it is the one I was watching at the time when I got this idea... who knows... maybe a Firefly/Serenity post is in the future...

On to the point.. That Dude... never gives up.. granted if he ever did .. the series would end and money would not be flowing in a direction those producers and writers would like it to.  

No matter the completely impossible, insanely crazy situation he may find himself, and his friends, he does not give up.  Not too long ago I watch one where Amy Pond gets stuck in a time warp 'thing' and ages very quickly, creating a 'past' Amy and a 'present' Amy.  It seems they much choose which one to save.  Now, if you do not like spoilers, for one... this will not spoil much about the show, although it will most certainly spoil this particular episode.

When you find out Amy is now old and that she would rather not let the younger version of her be saved, without herself being saved (which of course creates TWO versions of one person in ONE universe) a HUGE temperal NO NO!! (as in possible destruction of the time space continuum.. not that the Doctor has't stopped that as well), I was 100% certain all was lost, but no.. I was wrong because I forgot one crucial element... The Doctor!

When asked if it could be done, he does not bicker about the problem with science and whatnot, he basically says, "yeah" and gives some nonsense about if he spits off part of his ship it could contain the TEAR in TIME!  I was all, "cool, good for them it will be interesting to have two versions of Amy".

That is not what happened, but did help to solidify the finale of this season in the TRUTH that 'The Doctor Lies'.  Turns out, the continuity of space time is not to be trifled with.  

They had to choose.

I found this to be one of the most difficult situations The Doctor has ever been in, but he was fine with whatever outcome, letting Rory have the say in the matter (though I am certain he knew what the choice would be). 

No matter the circumstances and status of our lives some things MUST be one way - or another.  Our choice makes that decision. The beauty is the 'man in charge' is letting us make the decision.  For someone who can seemingly do anything and get out of any problem, he/He turns to us and says, "It is your decision to make".  

Rory's line about him(The Doctor) making him(Rory) like him(The Doctor) could be right on here even about us... having to make a hard decision just because we can only have it ONE way.  You may choose right, you may choose wrong, but at least you have that choice... use it wisely. 

Ever made a hard choice?


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