Saturday, December 15, 2012

Rick Harmoney - Ignite The Flame (Full Album Review) @Rick_Harmoney @noisetrade #rap #favorite

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I reviewed the sample of this album from Noisetrade HERE : (This covered one song ("Unashamed") at the time and as of now it has the full album.

For Fans of :   Lecrae, S.O., Andy Mineo, Thi'sl, Rhymescenic

23 Songs
Overall Thoughts:
"Christian rap.. the message here is to encourage others to preach the Gospel.. to share Christ with others.. very good way of doing this.. very solid and really shows a dedication to God and His will! " - basically the other review .. pretty solid for the whole album

I have added this to my favorites
Recording Thoughts:
Good ... Professional 

Stand Outs:

"Testimony (Intro)" - awesome beat.. such a great start to the album.. already has me excited about the rest of it

"Since 92" - really showing that desire!!

"The Battle Has Begun" - not really the best.. I did not really like the sound of this one.. very off in the beat.. 

"The Lord Chief Rocka" - very cool.. enjoyed this one!

'He's Shining" - cool beat.. and such a great uplifting of Christ!

"Stronger" - such a cool intro .. and back beat.. very electronic.. and such a great message.. wow!

"Jump!!" - OH SNAP.. lol wow.. this one brought me back.. and well mixed to give a Christian message

"His Name Is So High" - if I could call something rap worship.. this would be it

"You Can Run You Can Hide" - very cool message

"Jesus Walks" - oh such an awesome beat.. and as well such a great message about the bond and the wonders of Christ

"That's Why" - another cool beat.. interesting message.. pretty encouraging actually

"All of The Lights" - only in need of God!

"Times Tickin'" - cool beat.. and the message is pretty simple to understand just by the title.. are you going to waste your time?

"I'm Coming Home" - another that I did not exactly like.. the message totally and completely rocks.. but I found some of it a bit odd sounding.. mostly I did like it.. just some rough parts (the start mostly - as it neared the end I liked it more and more.. so.. really.. I did end up liking it )

take a listen ... get a download.. and TIP!!! 

@Rick_Harmoney on twitter 



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