Friday, January 18, 2013

Irregular - Merely A Glimpse (Free Music, Review) @Iregular4Christ @Noisetrade #hiphop #rap

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For Fans of :     Fort Minor, Eminem, Andy Mineo, Linkin Park, J Givens

7 Songs

Overall Thoughts:

A rap album for God ... a bit rough.. but pretty good 

Recording Thoughts:

Pretty Good ... Semi-Professional

Stand Outs:

"Celebrate Recovery" - one of my favorites on the album.. I really enjoyed the message .. pretty cool beat as well .. 

"Making a comeback" - very encouraging

"Living In The Shadows" - another encouraging word...remember that there really are others that have been through the same and will want to help

"Torture" - This one really reminded me of DOC Jones(Saint City) stating the hurt that Christ suffered and the desire this should truly spurn in those that love Him

take a listen ... get a download.. and TIP!!! 

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the love and review. I really appreciate it. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help you out.

