Anyway, I am going to try and go from 'least' change to 'greatest' change.
Work : Honestly no real change here. There is less work than desirable, but truly the work is just as fun and interesting. Some days more interesting than others.
Church : I have been within the children's ministry there for a long while now, and have enjoyed every part of it. Now the change here has to do with shifting of leadership. It is an interesting change that on one hand was a possibility, but also so very unexpected at this time that it was much like having a rug pulled from beneath me. After having a meeting yesterday, and getting many of the unknown variables filled - I am excited about the prospects of where we can go with the ministry. Before the meeting my thoughts were filled with the possibilities, but my need to be prepared created several scenarios that were worst case. Interestingly that same imagination is what sets me perfectly in children's ministry, so ... yeah
Family : We are pregnant! This will be our third child. We are totally excited about this - and it will most certainly change our lives completely. I guess the great thing here is that it has not created any of that tension. I wonder if my imagination will take hold and make it go crazy. Honestly, I have never had this problem whenever we have been pregnant. Here is one of the cool things; every time we have been pregnant we have known the sex of the child beforehand. I know that this may seem odd to others, but it has worked out that way twice and we have no reason to think it would not work out that way again. Though if it does not work out ... we will not be worried about it, we get a true gift from God to watch learn, grow, and live.
Well, truly I am ready and excited to move forward. I never really have loose change, but when I do find some - its always exciting... why can't life be the same!

:) sorry you are freaking out inside. but it's all good stuff at least :)