Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Spot Syndrome (Blurb)

You have likely seen this commercial.. if not.. enjoy it .. it is quite boneinmyarmous :) 

This sets two examples of "The Spot Syndrome"

1. When you have a "spot" .. everyone can blatantly see it.. and it is OVERPOWERING!! (This is one reason why is it difficult to be a magician.. people that cannot believe the 'spot' that looks odd)

2. When you have a "spot" .. YOU usually are oblivious to it!! (This is one reason why it is easy to be a magician.. people are used to certain things.. turn those on them.. and they are amazed)

If you are not sure.. this post is neither about clothes cleaning.. nor magician's advice.. it is about sin.. it is about hurts, habits, and hang-ups.

We honestly ALL have them.. in some way, shape, or form!  

Lets say the the sins.. hurts, habits, and hangups are the colors around this black dot.  What happens when you focus on the black dot?

The spots disappear!  They are GONE!  Like MAGIC!  But no .. really they are gone for a short time.. from YOUR view!

We would like to think that if we just ignore the problems that we have that they will just hop up and leave, but on the other hand .. you have to know and understand your problems to even know HOW to begin to ignore it! 

Do you have problems that others have brought up to you and you denied until change was the last option and realized they were correct?

What problem are you dealing with right now?



1 comment:

  1. never seen this commercial but it was funny :) love you!

