Saturday, January 14, 2012

Adam Gilmour - Save Me From Myself (Free Music, Review) @noisetrade #acoustic #folk

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For Fans of : Jars of Clay, Jon Foreman, James Vincent McMorrow

A almost folk sound, but also really close to being alternative rock.. I really liked the vocals - very interesting and different.. very different levels and just an all around good sound

the recordings are good.. very professional .. clear 

Stand Outs:

"Not Alright" - this song really grasps the reality of most of us .. we are "Not Alright" though we want to pretend we are.. and yes - ignoring the problem may make it seem to go away, but the roots are still there.. it reminds me of this post I did 

"Bride" - I have always been fascinated with the brides running out of oil story that Jesus told ever since I was taught it in my youth group.. it went hand in hand with the "Be Prepared" Boy Scouts attitude I already had.. this song.. calling for the Bride to be ready.. and for the need to be taught what Jesus taught is a beautiful showing of that ! 

take a listen ... get a download.. and TIP!!! 



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