Friday, January 13, 2012

What Savvy taught on tonight... If you missed out! (CRY)

Lesson taught by Savannah, notes taken by derk

1 Samuel 20

David and Johnathan

This is right after the battle with the Philistines and starts the close nit friendship of David and Johnathan

Saul is now jealous of David because of the clout David was getting from the people

David was really doing good for the people whne Sauk was not.. It was much like David was accidentally filling. The role Of king That Saul was failing

When Saul asked for the killing of David... The friendship to Johnathan saves him

Saul promises that he would not kill David

Johnathan then moves to warn David and David is confused with the reason why Saul would do such a thing (I guess the promise was not held very well)

Johnathan is willing to do anything in order to protect David

They create a plan to 'catch' Saul in his dislike and desire to harm David

Johnathan is ready and willing to die if the plan goes wrong.. This is a deep seated friendship!

Johnathan seems to have a much better faith in God than his father.. This really could be the likely reason that the friendship between David and Johnathan blossomed

With this information learned they now know how Saul feels about David

David is sent the message and they part ways

The friendship here is so great that it transcends thus insane situation.. They were genuine and honest with one another

Johnathan is willing to put his life on the line... Would you do this for a friend

Thier Lives showed their friendships

Many times we may have 'two-faced' attitudes.. This type of thought is contagious.. We should not want it and do our best to avoid it

It is one thing to work together and help one another but another when you are just being mean.. You tone could change the receiver of how you give them the information

EP. 4:25 be how you are going to be all the time!

Walk in love! David and Johnathan had this and it should be encouraging to belive that we can have this relationship with others

This also is like our relationship with Jesus

David never puts himself equal or greater than Jonathan much like Jesus does for us

Jesus showed this in washing the feet of His Diciples.. Would you be willing to wash the feet of your greater? Equals? Lessers?

Jesus gave his life for us.. Greater than Johnathan bring willing to.. Jesus had to go that far. Our friendship with Christ should be greater than this one that David had with Johnathan!

Have a blessed day and enjoy your friends!

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