Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Rick Hopkins - If Only It Was Now (Free Music, Review) @rickhopkins @noisetrade #indie #acoustic #fullablum

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For Fans of :  Shane & Shane, NeedToBreathe, Derek Webb, Phil Wickham

I know .. you may have seen this before.. but now.. and not like THEN; .. this is a review of the FULL Free album!

Overall Thoughts:

Certainly a country and close to worship feel through the album  - I really enjoyed all the acoustic parts.. very ear pleasing..

The messages were pretty hard to get into.. and from what I can tell they are some very tough inner issues..  (see "Mercy & Grace" and "Heal Me")

Recording Thoughts:

Pretty Good ... Professional 

Stand Outs:

"If Only" - fully acoustic .. Instrumental.. very good.. and enjoyable!! 

"Lord Be More Real" - this has a great down home south feel.. I m not exactly sure if this was live.. (if it was.. GREAT recording) or if much of the background was digitally added.. but.. I think not..

"Pipe Dream" - the other side.. rock and roll.. country feel..

"Karlie" - I am not sure about the title ... but I really liked this.. uplifting.. encouraging. .totally.. God CHOOSES ..and even if this song is for a particular person.. know.. that God CHOOSES YOU!! 

"Crusader" - I really liked the sound in this one.. fun and semi-carefree!! I had to listen twice by did hear cursing in this one.. not sure if it was meant to give 'heavy weight' to the message.. like Derek Webb did.. it was the same word.. though.. not as easily heard.. though.. I am a bit conflicted as to whether the message is about not caring about others.. or .. caring about others.. or just a problem.. or .. well.. anyway.. 

"Mercy & Grace" - one of the hardest places to be .. is away.. or almost 'hidden' from God.. we feel ashamed.. we look to God and beg for the silence to end.. I think.. much like when a parent just looks at their child.. that child KNOWS there is a problem.. God.. is graceful enough to touch us and help us though our problems.

"Heal Me" - Struggling with 'unanswered' prayer.. is a tough thing.. My wife and I have experienced... 'promises' that seems forthright and clear.. and we 'prepared for rain' but.. got.. something.. different.. not anything bad.. not anything wrong.. just not as expected.. we had to re-examine what God told us.. and wonder.. 'What was His goal in this?" We want a wonderful and understandable relationship.. but often.. it just gets complicated.. 

take a listen ... get a download.. and TIP!!! 

@rickhopkins on twitter 


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