Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Child Language Barrier (Blurb)


Some of Elijah:

Map Map - Matt Matt (His Uncle)
Bleeping - Sleeping
Neflix - Necklace 
Troller - Controller  
Flubs - Gloves
Wave - Fan

Some of Kyley:
Fisheys at the Fireplace - Shogun (A Japanese Restaurant 
Smooshy - Shushi
Chik a lae - Chik-fil-a
Cuppy - Cup
The Big Pepper - Chili's
The Big Ball Place - Target


Chu Church - Children's Church

My kids have their own language, and if anyone has kids, has had kids, has worked or talked to kids knows ALL kids have their own language.  Often a kid can say something that is complete gibberish, but the mother knows the exact thing the kid is trying to get out.  An amazing feat, and not impossible if someone has spent enough time with the kids - in conversation and as well just understands the likes and dislikes of the child. 

I think the best example from above is when Kyley first asked her mother and I if she could see the fisheys at the fireplace.  She would also mention she wanted smooshy.  We were so very confused - for .. what I think I remember being WEEKS! We did not learn what our daughter was trying to tell us until one day we all sat together and watched a picture slide show on one of our computers and a picture of us at Shogun came up, which prompted our girl to yell and point "Fisheys at the Fireplace".  All the pieces fit together, and truthfully we felt a tiny bit foolish as well as excited to know what she was saying.

The same can be said of us with the Lord.  I know there are times Him speaking to me is much like a child speaking to me.  He knows what He is saying and has a very important purpose behind it He would like to get across, the problem is me not having spent enough time to understand the language that is being used by Him.

If this happens to me, I pray for the "Ah HA!" moment like Mel and I got with our daughter so I/we will not miss out on any word from Him, and I plan on working hard to know and understand Him at all times, to not have moments of confusion and indecision in my life! 

Has this happened to you before? .. Either with a child - or God?

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