Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Facebook Manners : Saying Thank You Too Early (Blurb)

No ... This likely has nothing to do with you personally.. I had this idea much, much, much earlier.. and over, and over, and over again as I have seen it occur.

The most common time I see this is on Facebook with birthdays. We all know Facebook is the best reminder of birthdays and events, but we also know, because of Facebook, we look at these "Happy Birthdays!!" as less of a gift than if there was nothing to remind the person. First off.. that is totally wrong of us.. enjoy the attention.. you only get it one day a year. 

Second... when you say "Thank You"? Is it too early?

You may have friends who check up on the events for the week and decide to send you birthday wishes as soon as they see it will be in the next week. You feel obligated to say thank you, so you do it as soon as possible. You throw a wonderful blanket "Thank You" and cover all of those wonderful birthday wishes... but a problem occurs...

Your birthday is not even over, actually it has hardly even begun. You WILL have more well wishes.. what will you do now? .. do you thank them individually.. no.. because then you need to go back and thank the first ones again.. goodness.. you have yourself in a pickle now... (yes.. I think too much) Throwing out another blanket seems wrong because then you are blanketing the first ones double, what can you do?

... You may give up ...

All those poor wonderful loving people without a "thank you" blanket to keep them warm on your birthday... Oh the drama!

We can have some of the silliest worries.. You may think my next topic will take me to the common lesson of not worrying and trusting in God, but no... I believe the answer is simpler than even that.

Do unto others what you would have them do to you!

Yeah.. From the Bible still... But really it is more of an active solution then "sit on your hands and let God fix all your problems".

Jesus left heaven itself to teach us some important things, but He knew this one thing was one of the most powerful.

When I drop a 'Happy Birthday' or one of my more unique insane whatevers to anyone I enjoy a response... Even just a "thank you"... So my personal solution is to individually respond to each one. Interaction seems to be something much of us are fearful of...

Why is that?

Is it possible we believe no one can treat us as well as we treat ourselves? Or maybe we all have the feeling everyone else is bothered by our interactions with them?

Is it tough to create true and honest friendships?

Yup! And it is, I believe, because we cannot treat others the way we want to be treated. Such a shame... What a wonderful world it would be if all "thank you's" were all on time!

A challenge for the rest of your life : The next time you deal with a situation involving someone else... Look not at what you believe you deserve, but instead of what you might desire if the tables were turned.



  1. Man. You had me rolling with the birthday thing. That's exactly the boat i was in my last birthday! Wonderful analogy.

