Friday, May 3, 2013

What Peden taught on tonight ... If you missed out! (UNVEILED, 05-03-13)

Lesson taught by Peden, notes taken by derk
1 Kings 21
 "Did the middle of my sentence interrupt the start of yours?"

Vineyard wars and stoning of Naboth..Ahab gets the vineyard he wanted by the death of the previous owner by the deeds of Jezebel

In Lev. 25:23 - Naboth is not to sell this land according to law

For the king to go to you... could you have said no to his request? 

Have you ever known the rules (as Jezebel must have) and twisted them for your own purposes? 
To Naboth this land was a legacy of his family.. to Ahab.. it was just a place for a garden
Has there been an incident where you selectively told 'the truth' in order persuade someone to agree with you? 

ruu rb a axrgy icpn ojrgy jrrtc.oov  yd.b ,. jrbycbg.e er,b a paxxcy ypacn ru t.fxrape nafrgyov (dvork but typed as qwerty)

(translated) off on a tangent about girl scout cookies.  then we continued down a rabbit trail of keyboard layouts.


We see the judgement on Ahab

God sends Elijah to Nahabs vineyard.. and explains the consequences 

It is quite gruesome 


Ahab humbles himself due to this.. and God shows mercy.. though the punishment will still go to someone

Maybe the best way to relate to the situation.... receiving forgiveness of sin.. does not take away consequences 


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