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For Fans Of Canton Jones, Diddy, Kanye West, LL Cool J, P Dubb
More great Rap! or as it is called by Boogie "Hope Hop"
Stand Outs:
'WhatYouTalkinBout' : Pretty good 'versing' about Christ and who He died for
'I'm The Boss' : Who's the Boss? Not Tony... Not Angela... It's JESUS! Not sure I could see Jesus walking through Jerusalem or.. anywhere rapping this out, BUT ... pretty interesting non-the-less!
'Keep Goin'' : Who did not see that this, titled as it is, not being on of my favorites. "Tough times come, but they don't ever last" "The doors wide open, but you gotta walk through it" If there is anything about the Christian ideal that I cannot ignore, it is to 'keep going'/'just keep swimming'/'move forward'
'Teach Me Your Ways' : Granted, the lyrics are great here, but what I really like is just the sound that this song has - This is probably my favorite on the album, and it is probably due to the fluidity of the music.
'Go' : I feel very much like I do about 'Teach Me Your Ways' above - really good sound, "God said it... believe it's done"
'Can't Get It Right' : The addition of the female vocal/rap is awesome in this song, very well done - want to hear more! "You never know He's all you need, until He's all you got"
So if you enjoy Rap with a dash of Gospel - take a listen, you may just enjoy yourself!
@iamhopehop on twitter

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