When you hear the name "Dopey" I am certain that the only image you have in your mind is the youngest of the 7 dwarfs that Snow White was lucky enough to befriend and live with... and perhaps that one person you know that is...well dopey.
What you may have not have noticed about Dopey is that he is a genius. What, other than a genius would be able to get as many kisses out of Snow White - or think to climb on top of another of his dwarf brothers (Sneezy.. which may have been a bad choice) in order to 'properly' dance with her. It would have almost made more sense for him to be the dwarf out back eating paint chips while she gave out kisses, or been the dwarf holding all of another dwarfs weight while the other enjoyed the dance with Snow White. Why is it that the dwarf that the moment before was wrestling with a bar of soap is suddenly a genius?
It is clearly the same reason that we are ALL a bunch of Dopeys! One minute the most intelligent and awesome person ever... and then the most ridiculous and annoying person we could ever run into.
Getting revelations from God have you feeling like you are the smartest man/woman alive! You feel as if you have discovered something NO ONE knows! But the reality is.. that your actually, at that moment - fighting with a bar of soap... and... the soap always wins.
Is there no Glory in "God Revelations" in your life? Of course there is, though it does not really mean that everyone you come into contact needs that revelation too. Often it is found that when someone 'figures' something out... they begin to act as if they are the 'one' to talk to about that subject or that no one else knows what they know... many various annoying scenarios.
Here is an example that "OneTimeBlind" did ..
It is easy looking in and seeing how "Dopey" this person is being... That may be you... right now...
Acting like a dope, BUT doing smart things is good .... Although doing dopey things, and ACTING like your smart only hurts everyone around you...
Would you really want someone who has only gotten to 'Level 1' teaching you about that particular issue... ? You WANT the one who is perfect... there is only ONE that is perfect.. Man can only get you so far - so much of us are Dopeys fighting with soap... and very few of us are dopeys getting as much love as possible from Christ....
So... run and jump into that window again... and get some more insight!! (this is how Dopey got more kisses.. if you do not understand)
(and I can very well see the irony of this blog... and it's content)
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