Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Edge Of The Street : Kid Danger Zone? ...A Look at Perspective (Blurb)

 I seem to get ideas for blurbs at the oddest moments.  This one happened when I was mowing the lawn (this has happened before HERE : http://derkopenedeyes.blogspot.com/2012/01/tears-in-eyes-of-lawnmower-man-blurb.html ), but this one has nothing to do with mowing.  It has to do with two of my little ones - Kyley and Elijah.  They enjoy helping when Mel and I are working (sometimes, but more outside work then inside work), so they were outside with me while I mowed.  Running around and just having a good time cutting grass with scissors and picking up sticks and such.

The trouble I was having is that they wanted to get just as close to the street as me when I mowed the edge.  This was fine while I was standing there, but as I moved away from them it filled my heart with fear for their safety. 

Shortly after feeling this way and thinking about that feeling something donned on me. *WHY?* ... Why was I so fearful that they were a foot from the street, but perfectly ok when I was practically standing in the street while mowing.  

My best answer for this ... Someone driving their car will not hit me, but they will hit my kid.  

I really think that is the best answer I have.  I could stand in the street and will look at a car coming my way and know that it will not hit me.  My son or daughter in the street ... yeah.. no matter if there is a car or not.. they will be hit.  It has never happened, but I am certainly fearful of it.. and I act on that fear.  I call for them to move away from the edge of the street.. or if that fails I will run over to them - pick them up - and set them in a place that I deem safe.

All of this is true, but I realize that .. perception.. is an interesting thing.  When I am the one driving - and I see a kid .. anywhere near the road.. I slow down and am extra careful to not hit them.  If it is an adult - I trust that they are smart enough to stay out of my way.

There are many occasions that I can perceive someone else and the problems that they very well may be walking into.  When I feel led to speak to them about it .. I do, but the question I have realized - am I truly accepting of the perception of others .. about me.  

I am often my worst critic, and ANY backing to that usually has me on my knees with tears streaming .. or.. just pure anger.  I really, really do not like the negative, but God is working with me in it.  Teaching me to be able to deal with it properly, though that kind of worries me as well seeing that being prepared could likely mean the possibility of negative coming my way. 

Remember that others are dealing with things .. likely just as much as you are, if not more.  Treat them kindly and with love and don't expect it back from them - you will have a greater return.. maybe not right then, but at some point - and say a quick prayer that my kids stay away from the street! 


1 comment:

  1. :) I think for me (totally not following the POINT of this post by the way with my comment) Anyhow, for me, the part about the kids being near the street without me bothers me because their little minds can't focus on their surroundings. They get distracted and easily want to play IN the street :) Love you!

